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उठा,जागे व्हा आणि लक्ष्य प्राप्त केल्याशिवाय थांबु नका............स्वामी विवेकानंद

Hydrocarbon meaning

Hydrocarbons: -

The organic compounds containing only two elements, carbon and hydrogen are called hydocarbons.

Examples: 1) CNG (compressed natural gas)
                  2)  LPG (liquefied petroleum gas)
                  3)  LNG (liquefied natural gas)
                  4)  Petrol
                  5)  Diesel

Classification: -

1 1)  Aliphatic Hydrocarbon

Hydrocarbon containing open chain of carbon atoms are called Aliphatic hydrocarbon.
Classified in 2 types -

·        Saturated hydrocarbon - hydrocarbons which contain all CC single bonds called Alkanes.

                 Examples: Propane CH3 –CH2 –CH 3
                                  Butane   CH3–CH2 –CH 2–CH 3

·        Unsaturated hydrocarbon - further classified into

a)     Alkenes - The unsaturated hydrocarbons containing C = C (double bond) called as Alkenes.
Examples: Ethene CH 2 = CH 2 
                  Propene CH 3 - CH = CH 2
b)     Alkynes - The unsaturated hydrocarbon containing (triple bond)  called as Alkynes.

2) Alicyclic Hydrocarbon

Hydrocarbon containing rings of carbon atoms and have properties similar to that of aliphatic hydrocarbons are called as alicyclic hydrocarbons.
Examples: Cyclopropane  


3) Aromatic Hydrocarbons

 Hydrocarbons containing one or more benzene rings in their structure are called aromatic hydrocarbon.
Examples Naphthalene

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