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उठा,जागे व्हा आणि लक्ष्य प्राप्त केल्याशिवाय थांबु नका............स्वामी विवेकानंद



                 Aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbons containing one or more double bonds are called alkenes (olefins)
                            Example: CH2=CH2
                General formula of alkenes is CnH2n.
Where 'n' is a number of carbon atoms.

Classification of Alkenes

            1) Symmetrical Alkenes
            2) Unsymmetrical Alkenes

 1) Symmetrical Alkenes

The alkenes in which similar group s or atoms are attached to the carbon atoms joined by double bonds, are called as symmetrical alkenes.
                         Example: Ethene  CH= CH2

2) Unsymmetrical Alkenes

The alkenes in which different atoms or groups of atoms are attached to the carbon atoms joined by double bond are called on unsymmetrical Alkenes.
                       Example: propene CH3-CH=CH2

Physical properties of alkenes

  1. Alkenes are nonpolar compounds. Insoluble in water.
  2. Soluble in a nonpolar organic solvents.
  3. They are less dense than water.

Method of Preparation of Alkenes

1) From Alkyl halide 

When Ethyl chloride is reacted with Potassium hydroxide (alco-KOH) it gives the formation of Ethene.
Preparation of Alkenes from alkyl halide

2)   From Alcohol

when Ethyl alcohol is reacted with conc. sulphuric acid (H2SO4) it gives the formation of Ethene.
Preparation of Alkenes from alcohol

3) From Vicinal dihalide

Two halogen compounds can be attached neighbouring carbon atoms is called Vicinal dihalide.
when Ethylene dichloride is reacted with zinc it gives the formation of ethene
Preparation of Alkenes from Vicinal dihalide

4)  From Alkyne 

When Ethyne is reacted with Nickel agent by hydrogenation it gives the formation of ethene.
Preparation of Alkenes from alkyne

Properties of Alkenes 

1) Action of halogen (Vicinal Di halide)

When ethene is reacted with chlorine halogen it gives the formation of Ethylene dichloride.
Action of halogen on Alkenes

2) Alkyl halide (Action of halo-acid)

When ethene is reacted with Hydrochloric acid (HCl) it gives the formation of Ethyl chloride.
Action of Alkyl halide on Alkenes

3) Ozonolysis (Aldehyde or ketone)

When Ethene is reacted with ozone (O3) to form an Ozonide,then undergoes hydrolysis it gives the formation of two molecules of formaldehyde.

4) Reducing agent(Alkane)

When Ethene is reacted with Nickel agent (Ni) by hydrogenation gives the formation of Ethane.
Reducing agent

5) Action Of KmNO4  (Oxidising agent) (Ketone/Carboxylic acid)

When ethene is reacted with oxidizing agent KmNO4 it gives the formation of formaldehyde.
Action of  KmNO4 on Alkenes

6)Action Of H2SO(Alcohol)

When Ethene is reacted with sulphuric acid H2SO4 to form ethyl hydrogen sulphate then undergoes hydrolysis it gives the formation of Ethyl alcohol.
Action of Sulphuric acid on Alkenes

Alkenes example -

  1. Propene C3H6 CH3-CH=CH2
  2. Butene C4H8 CH3-CH2-CH=CH2
  3. Pentene C5H10 CH3-CH2-CH2-CH=CH2

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