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उठा,जागे व्हा आणि लक्ष्य प्राप्त केल्याशिवाय थांबु नका............स्वामी विवेकानंद



 Aliphatic, unsaturated hydrocarbons containing atleast one triple bond are called alkynes. 

General formula of alkynes is CnH2n_2 

Where n is number of carbon atoms.

Physical properties of alkynes

  1. Nonpolar
  2. Insoluble in water
  3. soluble in most organic solvents
  4. boiling points are similar to alkanes of same size
  5. less dense than water

Method of Preparation 

1) From Calcium Carbide (Ca.C2)

When calcium carbide is reacted with water molecule ( H2O) it gives the formation of Ethyne.

Method of preparation of alkynes from calcium carbide

2) From Tetra-Halide

   When 1,1,2,2 Tetra chloro Ethane is reacted with zinc it gives the formation of Ethyne.
Method of preparation of alkynes from tetra-Halide

3)  Vicinal dihalide & geminal dihalide

   Two halogen compounds can be attached only one carbon compound is called geminal dihalide.

    When propyledien dichloride is reacted with alco KOH to form 2 Chloro-Propene. undergoes removal of HCl it gives the formation of Propyne.
Method of preparation of alkynes from vicinal dihalide

  4) From Alkene

     When ethene is heated it gives the formation of ethyne
Method of preparation of alkynes from Alkene

    Properties of Alkynes 

    1)  Action of Halogen 

Action of halgen on alkynes


   2) Action of Halo-acid 


   3) Ozonolysis 


    4) Action of Na Metal     

Action of Sodium metal on alkynes

   5) Action of Reducing agent 

Action of reducing agent on alkynes

   6) Action of H2O

Action of  water molecule(H2O) on alkynes

   7) Formation of benzene 

Formation of benzene from alkynes

   8)  Action of H2SO4

Action of sulphuric acid(H2SO4) on alkynes


Some example of alkynes 

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